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                            Serving Florida families since 1979

Become a Licensed Midwife

Aspiring students who want to become a Florida licensed midwife have to attend a Florida-approved school. Schools in Florida are licensed by the Commission for Independent Education (CIE) and some are accredited by the Midwifery Education Accreditation Council (MEAC).  Below, find the some commonly asked questions about becoming a Florida Licensed Midwife.

Check out the Approved Schools page for more information about each of the schools that can help you fulfill your dream of becoming a Florida LM.

Also, joining MAF as an aspiring midwife can help you access the information you need to get started with the right steps.


Who can become a Florida Licensed Midwife?

Because licensed midwifery is “direct-entry,” you do not have to be a nurse, other healthcare provider, or have a degree to start midwifery school. In order to be eligible to be enrolled in a Florida approved school, students must have a high school diploma (or equivalency certificate), college level English, college level mathematics, and be at least 21 years old.

What is the different between a licensed midwife (LM) and a certified nurse midwife (CNM)?

Licensed midwives are educated or trained as midwives without having to become nurses first.

In Florida, Licensed Midwives (LMs) are fully autonomous and provide full-scope maternity care for low-risk people and collaborative care with obstetricians for people with risk factors. They are not required to have any practice agreement with a doctor. Florida licensed midwives meet their communities' needs in a variety of settings: clients' homes, birth centers, clinics, and hospital facilities. In collaboration with a physician they may also provide care for people whose pregnancies require medical supervision.

Certified Nurse Midwives (CNMs) are educated and licensed as nurses first and complete additional education in midwifery. CNMs are licensed to practice in all 50 states and provide health care across the lifespan including primary care, routine care, sexual health, pregnancy and birth, and birth control. CNMs typically practice in hospitals and private practice medical clinics, but can also work in birth centers and attend at-home births. In most states (including Florida), CNMs have can practice under supervision or in most circumstances, practice autonomously.

How long does it take to become a Florida Licensed Midwife?

All Florida approved schools are at least three years in duration. While the vary in the numbers of credits and the courses offered, all Florida approved schools must be at least three years. According to Florida Statute 467, there can be advanced standing given for prior learning, but under no circumstances can the number of years be fewer than two years.

As a licensed midwife, where can I practice midwifery?

LMs can practice in community birth settings, like homes and birth centers; provide prenatal care only to low-risk people in clinic settings, and are allowed to practice in hospital. Most LMs practice in community settings such as a home birth practice or a birth center.

About the Association

The mission of MAF is to promote the 
health and wellbeing of low-risk healthy
families by empowering Midwives through
advocacy, connection, and education.


Email: Midwivesassociationofflorida@gmail.com
Phone: 1-407-212-7683
Address: 16821 NE 6th Ave, North Miami Beach, FL 33162

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